
Happy Horrordays To You!

Just a quick post to advise folks to get their orders into the Croshame Etsy store for the holidays! (It should be taken into consideration that some custom pieces can take up to two weeks, sometimes three, depending on the order.)

I also have new pieces available for sale this year!

Feeling like you need some Krampus in your life… but just a little bit? Like, maybe a decapitated head’s-worth, just to cheer up the atmosphere?

Well, there’s the Krampus Door Hanger!

Krampus Door Knocker

He comes with wire strung into the back of his head, making him perfect for hanging on the door, on the wall, or if you prefer, directly over the baby’s crib.

Available here!

And who wouldn’t want celebrate the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun by presenting their loved ones with the gift of androgynous eternal life? Well now you can, with that totes adorbs lil’ rapscallion…

Baphometsy Wetsy!

Baphomet with Candles fullIddin’t he kewt? Gods bless us, every one!

Available here!

And let us not forget our olden holiday friends from times past. Like silver and gold, they are!

There’s good old Santa Clawed:

Santa Clawed, 2013

 Available here!

And that poor unfortunate Braindeer:


Available here!

Croshameless self promotion

Hey everyone! The Croshame Etsy store is now back up and running for all your misanthropic crochet and antigurumi needs.

Throughout the month of September and October use the coupon code “GGWHIZZ” at checkout for 10% off your purchase!

Etsy Banner


Movie Still Monday: The Virgin Spring

This week’s stills are from yet ANOTHER Ingmar Bergman-directed movie, Jungfrukällan, AKA The Virgin Spring (1960). This  gem inspired two other great (but less subtle) films, Last House on the Left and I Spit on Your Grave. It also inspired this week’s Movie Still Monday post with its sweet drop spindle action!

Virgin Spring drop spin 1Spinning wheel? Bah. That is so 11th century. This was the only way to make yarn back in the day.

Virgin Spring Drop Spin 2Just the flax, ma’am!

Being a hand-spinning spring virgin myself, I couldn’t really tell you exactly what she’s doing here.

Virgin Spring drop spin 3But actress Birgitta Valberg definitely looks like she knows what’s going on!

Multitalented or merely a consummate thespian?


Movie Still Monday: Summer Interlude

This week’s set of stills comes from Ingmar Bergman’s 1951 film Sommarlek, AKA Summer Interlude.

Somewhere off in the wings, during a Swan Lake dress rehearsal…

Summer Interlude 1 - side knit

You said it, dude. Just look off to your right a little and you’ll find out why!

Summer Interlude 2- background knit

Ah yes, there she is, a knitting ballerina — something strange indeed. Well, she’ll have put down her WIP to go out on stage in a minute. Bummer!

Summer Interlude 4 - counting 2

 Better stop and count those stitches before she has to frog the whole damn thing; now THAT would be a tragedy!


Croshame Summer Sale!

After going through one of the most grueling winters of my existence, I’m anxious to celebrate summer — even if it’s not technically starting until the 21st.

You know what that means…

Summer Sale

 That’s right, Mr. Sun! A sale!

During the month of June, anyone who uses the coupon code “SUMMERSALE” at checkout in the Croshame Etsy Store will receive 20% off ANYTHING in the whole dang shop (commission work excluded)! The sale ends on June 30th and the store will be temporarily closing for at least a few weeks shortly thereafter , so make sure to take advantage of these sweaty, hot deals during this month only!

Jayne, Jayne, go away… come back to us in crochet (NSFW)

Ever since I first started crocheting, I’ve wanted to do a recreation of actress Jayne Mansfield’s death (because after all, horrific crime scenes are only a natural progression from granny squares). So when I recently received a commission request with that very scenario as a possibility, I jumped at the chance to complete my morbid goal.

If you aren’t aware of the gory details and would like to apprise yourself of the situation, watch this informative but graphic video:

The details of the death as most people know it were sensationally chronicled in director/writer Kenneth Anger’s Hollywood Babylon, accompanied by some rather gruesome — some would say staged —  photos.

Hollywood BHaving only these and other grainily suspect photos to go on (a seemingly frequent occurrence for Croshame pieces), I decided I would probably have to make the majority of the exquisite corpus delicti up, based on the available research and information.

Below is the tragedy that followed.

Jayne scene full 640

According to popular myth, Jayne was fully decapitated — but not true, sayeth the coroner’s report. Cranial avulsion does not a decapitation make!

Jayne brain piece 640

Jayne Brain with piece 640

Jayne was not only traveling with a driver, her lawyer-boyfriend, and her three children, but also with four (that’s right, four — two of them allegedly unpaid for) chihuahuas in the car, two of which perished in the accident. I made the one featured in this photo from Hollywood Babylon.

Dog above

Dog closeup

According to the existing photos, there were two very large (unopened?) bottles of alcohol in the car, as well various other detritus spilled around the scene of the crime. The devil, as they say, is in the details.

bottlesUsing my top-secret formula, I concocted some beautiful fake blood. Can one ever have too much? Naaaahhh.

Jayne hand 640
If you’re going to do something wrong, do it big, because the punishment is the same either way.”
–Jayne Mansfield, 1933-1967
Jayne with tarp 2 640


Movie Still Monday: L’Atalante

This week’s stills come from the 1934 Jean Vigo film L’Atalante, starring the loverly Dita Parlo.

New bride Juliette is knitting onboard her hubby’s canal barge. A sweater, peut-être?

L'Atalante 1Well, you know what they say: if you’re going spend the time needed to knit a sweater for your man, make sure he’s a keeper.

L'Atalante 4

And of course, don’t forget to take proper measurements.

L'Atalante 2.5

L'Atalante 3

Later, Juliette sports a très belle crocheted shawl as she sits morosely meditating in the fog.

But why so glum, Tristesse?

L'Atalante shawl

It could be that whole “newly married and living on a canal barge filled with cats” thing.

Or maybe the sweater didn’t fit.


Movie Still Monday: Viridiana

This week, some frames from Luis Buñuel‘s 1961 film Viridiana, starring the beautiful Silvia Pinal.

In this scene, novitiate Viridiana has a somnambular journey, walking into her uncle’s room with a basket of tasty looking yarn. (Don’t let the gams distract you.)

Viridiana basket

But instead of doing some sweet sleep-knitting with her nocturnal stash, she immolates it in the fireplace!

Viridiana yarnball

Those poor, sacrificial skeins! Oh, the human-knitty!

I can’t look. Oh, wait… yes I can!

Viridiana hank


Sale ends soon!

Just to poke you with the sharp stick of a gentle reminder, the Croshame Etsy April Mega-Sale is almost over — but there’s still a week left to get the Crochetin’ In Blood, Hogtied,  Sid and Nancy, and Exorcist Playset  at lowered prices.


Thanks, all!

Movie Still Monday: The Patty Duke Show

Yeah, not a movie, but a TV series this week: the 1960’s Patty Duke Show.

Patty’s mom Natalie curls up on the couch with some needles for some “woman’s work.”

At least I think that’s what they called it back then.

Patti Duke Mom knitting