Internet Schminternet

2013 means ch-ch-ch-changes

With a new year comes new changes, and this year that adage also applies to Croshame. There will be several differences in the way Croshame operates in 2013, specifically because I’m going to be working on several big projects this year, but also because I’d like to concentrate more on making more fine art and creating new Croshame pieces.

NEW PIECES: Although I will still be making new Antigurumi characters and posting them here on, I will no longer be making those featured pieces available for sale through the Etsy store. Don’t fret; there are still a plethora of “classic” Croshame characters that will be available.

COMMISSIONS: I will no longer be accepting commissions, at least for a while.

PATTERNS: I probably won’t be releasing any new patterns this year. This is partly related to one of the aforementioned “big projects” I’m working on, but I won’t mention anything else about that until things are a bit more fully formed.

Thanks to everyone for making 2012 a great year for Croshame! Here ‘s to a 2013 filled with many crass crafts and lotsa laughs.

Open up and say “Cheese” (NSFW)

The internet is a great place for many things: socializing with friends, finding historically inaccurate information, and looking at photos of kittens with infantile quotes written underneath them. But for all the eternal sunshine and endless giggles the information superhighway provides, there are just as many damp, dark, and disturbing corners filled with nightmarish imagery and unsettling ideas.

One such corner discovered and popularized by internet trolls some time ago was a phenomenon called Goatse. WARNING: If you’re unfamiliar with Goatse and have a low tolerance for the utterly repellent, I don’t recommend rushing out and doing a Google image search as it’s probably considered objectionable viewing material to 99.99% of the population.

Mr. Goatse seemed to get a pretty bad reputation fairly quickly, so to lighten up his persona a little, I’ve decided to create my own tribute to the “meme”-ory of this infectious image…


He’s all business in the front…

And all party in the back!

Awwwww… so cute!

Awwww… not so much.

Although I’m not expecting this one to exactly fly off the shelves (“Makes a great Easter or Mother’s Day gift!”), it is available in the Etsy store here.

They don’t call me Croshame for nothing, folks.

Something for everybody! (Well, kinda.)

A few posts ago I mentioned that I had entered a Valentine’s contest over at, the official site for the band DEVO. Well, I didn’t win the first prize Flip Cam as I had hoped, but I did place as a runner up, winning a new copy of DEVO’s latest album, Something For Everybody!

Little Marky and his favorite new album!

The album is pretty fantastic, and I’m not just saying that. Really. I don’t normally like it when “old-timey” 80’s bands try to get all new and hip with the times, but in this instance I enjoyed it. They’ve retained their usual simplistic yet masterful musicality with oddly significant lyrics, but now have a stronger production and fuller sound.

And will ya just look at that sexy blue vinyl! Purrrr.

There was some stiff competition in the contest, including two entries that I thought would win for sure (but oddly enough, didn’t) — a Spudly Pin-up Girl holding a potato bouquet and a fantastic plush rendition of the donut-french fry sex scene from the “That’s Good” music video. I’m not sure if the band actually made the final decision (swoon), but it’s probably far more likely that it was some  random Warner Brothers PR intern pulling names out of a hat.

Oh well. Either way… I love me some DEVO!

New internetty stuff!

First of all…
Say hello to! No more typing that “wordpress” nonsense, unless you really want to (typing fetish, perhaps); and hey, if you got a website or blog, feel free to add that shit to your links page. Do people still use banner links? I can make some of those too, if it’s not too “2003” of me.

In other news, I fell prey to the seductive wiles of social networking. Here’s where I am on these things:
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