How I Spent Yarn Bombing Day

Yesterday was a rousing success and one heck of a good time.

I had started the day before with a practice run on a Golden Gate Park visitor map. By the next day my piece was amazingly still there, but looking a little down in the dumps from the morning dew and SF fog.

 My first yarn bomb of the day was too good to pass up. A life-size bronze portrait of horticulturalist and former Superintendent of Golden Gate Park (as well as one of its original builders), John McLaren. He loved the park and its plants and trees, but absolutely despised the idea of any statues invading the peaceful landscape.

So of course, they built a giant statue of him — located right across from a giant cemented area where noisy roller skaters dance around to obnoxious disco music.

Chuck and I love to look at ducks in the pond near this bench, but the piece is probably gone by now since I stupidly put it on the end and not in the middle… lesson learned.

Went over to the AIDS Memorial Grove area, but it was pretty crowded. We had to surreptitiously wait a little while to photograph this piece up because an older couple stopped to look at it.

 I made sure to hit up the lamp post right outside my living room window…

…so now all I have to do is look right outside and see my handiwork.

There was one more piece featured in the video, but unfortunately we couldn’t snap any pictures of it before Johnny Law rolled up and we hightailed it outta there!

All in all, I’d say it was a mightily triumphant endeavor.

I hope everyone else had a safe and wonderful IYBD!!

7 responses

  1. Awesome video adn yarn bommbing! You look like a super sleuth in your disquise!Brilliant!!

    June 13, 2011 at 7:18 am

  2. YIKES! Please disregard my BAD spelling, ha,ha! I couldn’t see what I had typed until it posted:)

    June 13, 2011 at 7:19 am

  3. What an awesome idea and project. Very inspiring. Thanks for that info on the statue too; great reading.

    June 13, 2011 at 9:59 am

  4. The statue of Mr. McLaren seems to approve of the garland of flowers around his neck.

    June 15, 2011 at 3:29 pm

  5. Pingback: Yarn bombing is beautiful

  6. Pingback: Is That Legal - Yarn Bombing | The Undeniable Ruth

  7. Dee

    I love the bag and the hoodie.
    We should have a worldwide yarn bombing day. Yay!

    August 16, 2011 at 10:52 am

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